A word about insurance

We do our best to work with your insurance.  However, it’s important to understand, it’s your insurance, not ours.  We have no control over your purchase of insurance products, nor over how arbitrarily your insurance company applies their rules for provider payment.  Do your research prior to buying and using your insurance.  We tend to accept insurances that deal with us fairly, and shed those that don’t.  If we don’t take your insurance, we may well have had a bad experience.  Most of the time our staff can help you understand your insurance benefits.

We deal with two categories of insurance

  • Vision insurance
  • Medical insurance

Which is appropriate to use depends on why you are coming in and what diagnosis code corresponds to what Dr. Hussey finds. We’ll bill according to the patient’s condition, and your reason for coming in.  But, please, you must - MUST - give us current information on your insurance: All the correct numbers and correct dates.