And, now, Dr. EYEnstein’s home turf: Research!
We have published and continue to research and work to publish in areas of binocularity. Dr. Hussey has gone past 30 papers published, almost entirely in peer-reviewed journals. PDFs of those papers are here for reading and downloading. Always remember that the papers are aimed at a professional audience, so they may not be written in the most reader-friendly way.
Also in this area are some videos either from our research with Eyetronix, or some videos Dr. Hussey made to explain problems with binocular vision in a more friendly video format. In addition, one of the major instrument manufacturers asked Dr. Hussey to provide case studies using the hand-held retina photo device we use. That was a nice diversion.
Dr. Hussey has consulted with or is consulting with Eyetronix, PinpointEyes (Hyperion Labs), and Luminopia, but is not a paid consultant.
Research Articles
A Flicker Therapy for the Treatment of Amblyopia
Standard clinical treatment methods for amblyopia penalize the non- amblyopic eye, with subsequent compliance problems, and do not address the associated binocular vision abnormality.
A Pilot Study on the Geographically Remote Treatment of Intermittent Central Suppression Using Electronic Rapid Alternate Occlusion
Intermittent central suppression (ICS) is a repetitive loss of sensation in central vi- sion that occurs in the absence of strabismus and amblyopia. We used electronic rapid alternate occlusion to treat the ICS of 10 students enrolled in a Job Corp’s residential educational program.
An Idealized Experiment on The Effect of Decreasing Magnocellular Signal on Visual Sensation
Idealized or “thought” experiments can be used to investigate theoretical principles. The present idealized experiment uses a neurological rheostat to decrease magnocellular signal in an otherwise visu- ally normal subject to probe for possible consequences of the magnocellular impairment that is often linked to reading problems (dyslexia).
Article – If a Tree Falls, Is It an Epidemic? Results of the OEPF Online COVID-and-Myopia Survey
If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a noise? If an epidemic happens, and no one notices, is it still an epidemic? Myopia is spoken of as an epidemic. Have we noticed any change in the epidemic in our clinics and offices as the world has gone into various lockdowns, forcing students into virtual learning and others onto screens for both work and recreation?
Article – Suppression Does Not Just Go Away, But Treatment Might Change a VO Star—Case Series Retrospectives
Intermittent central suppression (ICS) is an intermittent loss of central visual sensation. Treating ICS has improved quality-of- life symptoms and reading levels. Improvements in ICS hold over time. A score based on ICS— percentage of binocularity during waking hours— can be used to quantify binocularity and changes in binocularity.
Article – Surveying the Scene: Results of the OEPF Online COVID-Related Conditions Survey
“Survey says?” So said the host of the television game show “Family Feud” when he needed surveyed answers for a show question to contestants. In the medical world, surveys have their limitations and certainly can be subject to manipulation.
Article – Surveying the Scene: Results of the OEPF Online COVID-Related Conditions Survey
“Survey says!” So said the host of the television game show Family Feud when he needed surveyed answers for a show question to contestants. In the medical world, surveys have their limitations, and certainly can be subject to manipulation.
Article – What’s Next? Long-term improvements from ICS Therapy using Rapid Alternation
The rationale for treatment of intermittent central suppression (ICS) is a concern in reading underachievement. Diagnostic techniques for ICS have been previously described and a treatment study for ICS showed improvements in binocularity, symptoms, and reading scores. The next step is to look at long-term improvements with treatment of ICS with rapid alternation.
Binocular Visual Sensation in Reading A Unified Theory
Current visual sensory theory focuses on the dual pathway nature of the visual sys- tem. Two pathways carry information from the eye to the brain, the parvocellular (detail and color) and magnocellular (motion) pathways. The magnocellular pathway has been implicated as a cause of dyslexia. Clinically, intermittent central suppression has been shown to be associated with reading problems.
Binocular Visual Sensation In Reading II: Implication of a Unified Theory
Both magnocellular pathway defects and intermittent central suppression show links to dyslexia. The prior paper suggested a theory of intermittent central suppression based on a magnocellular pathway defect. This paper expands on that theory and suggests some further implications particularly for reading, amblyopia and the need for further research.
Correcting Intermittent Central Suppression Improves Binocular Marksmanship
Do two eyes have any intrinsic advantage over one eye for combat marksmanship? Intuitively, having two eyes work together (binocularity) seems beneficial.
Development of Stereopsis Using Eyetronix Flicker GlassTM to Treat Amblyopia in Congenital Unilateral Post-Cataract-Surgery Aphake
Early or congenital cataract is typically treated with early surgery, commonly without pseudophakic implants. Surgery is o9en followed with patching and optical correction, including extended wear contact lenses. Some level of amblyopia is expected to persist depending on how early surgery is performed and what post- surgical therapies are accomplished.
Examination of Binocular Visual Sensation Over Time with Routine Testing
Intermittent central suppression (ICS) is an afferent sensory defect in vision that interferes with detail vision producing symptoms of “dyslexia.” Our knowledge of ICS has suffered due in part to lack of routine testing. This paper proposes the routine use of ICS testing as developed by the author.
Improved Compliance with a Novel Eyetronix Flicker Glass Therapy for the Treatment of Amblyopia
To evaluate compliance and quality of life with a novel technique for amblyopia treatment (Eyetronix Flicker Glass, EFG) in a group of children who had been previously and unsuccessfully treated by patching.
Increases in Binocularity Periods with Treatment of Intermittent Central Suppression Contradict Suppression as Solely Inhibitory
Intermittent central suppression (ICS), an intermittent loss of central visual sensation, has been associated with reading problems.
Initial Evaluation of the Eyetronix Flicker Glass
Amblyopia is a neurological development disorder that presents with deficits in spatiotemporal vision processing resulting from an active suppression process.
Intermittent Central Suppression caused by Cervical Trauma Whiplash
Whiplash cervical trauma has been shown to cause visual changes. Intermittent central suppression (ICS) has been shown to be associated with reading problems.
Intermittent Central Suppression in One Identical Twin
Central suppression is found with different types of strabismus and amblyopia. Intermittent central suppression (ICS) is an intermittent loss of visual sensation in the area of central vision occurring in the absence of strabismus and amblyopia.
Intermittent Central Suppression Suffered After a Rough Landing on a Bicycle
Seth, a 16-year-old male student-athlete, suffered a concussion during trail riding in 2014 when his bike came apart during a jump. The patient’s occupational therapist referred him for a vision examination and therapy following vestibular therapy. Unresolved post-concussion symptoms included headaches, problems seeing the ball in sports, and reading problems reminiscent of “dyslexia.”
Intermittent Central Suppression: A missing link in reading problems?
Much work has been done searching for a link between vision problems and reading problems. Certainly, a strong case can be made that ocular motor malfunctions can affect reading efficiency.
Is Anti-Suppression the Quest for Visibility?
Vision science defines the fundamental action of the vision system to be the generation of visible percepts. Intermittent central suppression (ICS) is an intermittent, usually alternating, loss of visual sensation, a repetitive loss of that visual percept.
Job Corps Student Sees New Future
Imagine going to school for eleven years not being able to read;
Lockdowns Might Have Contributed to Myopia In Children
Covid as an illness interests optometrists because we may deal not only with effects from the illness itself, but with the effects of lockdowns, interventions and consequent developmental interference. Interfering with development of visual abilities may loom at least as large as the disease in our professional eyes.
My new iPhone 7
Problems with cell phone signals getting to my new iPhone 7 provide an analogy for one of the primary sensory defects vision therapy can deal with, suppression and intermittent central suppression in particular.
Relationship Between Ocular Functions and Reading Achievement/Reply
Hall and Wick point out some of the disagreement in the literature among methodologically sound studies researching a visual basis for reading problems.
Remote treatment of intermittent central suppression improves quality-of-life measures
Intermittent central suppression (ICS) is a repetitive intermittent (‘‘on-and-off’’) loss of central visual sensation without strabismus or amblyopia. These repetitive seconds-long suppressions have been suggested to create visual confusion and instability that would cause vision symptoms, contribute to reading complaints, and even impair reading.
Report: OEPF Lecture – Myopia Control—Who to Target with Myopia Interventions
The worldwide prevalence of myopia, by most accounts, is increasing. In some areas of the world, southeastAsiainparticular,thepercentageoftheteen population that is myopic is significant. China’s myopia has increased over 60% in the past 15 years to 95.5% of the teenage population. In the U.S., half of the teen population is now nearsighted.
Report: OEPF Lecture – Myopia Management—How to Apply the Current Scientific Evidence to Our Clinical Practice
The objectives of this presentation are that participants are able to: (1) apply to their clinical practice the current knowledge of myopia etiology, development, and progression; (2) educate families on myopia prevention and control options; and (3) practice evidence-based clinical care when managing myopia, including information on the possible benefits and risks of each treatment, determining the most appropriate length of treatment and understanding how to gauge success.
Speculations on the Nature of Visual Motion Optometric Implications
I present a discussion suggesting visual flicker is motion in stimulus form. Repetitive flicker should improve magnocellular function, and by extension reading disabilities and intermittent central suppression.
Sudden Onset Diplopia
Sudden onset diplopia can be the result of underlying systemic or neurological conditions. I present the case of a 32-year-old woman with a previously diagnosed convergence insufficiency, who developed sudden diplopia.
Suppression Does Not Just Go Away, But Treatment Might Change a VO Star-Case Series Retrospectives
Intermittent central suppression (ICS) is an intermittent loss of central visual sensation. Treating ICS has improved quality-of-life symptoms and reading levels. Improvements in ICS hold over time. A score based on ICS-percentage of binocularity during waking hours-can be used to quantify binocularity and changes in binocularity.
Temporal Characteristics of Intermittent Central Suppression
Intermittent central suppression (ICS) is a repetitive suppression of central vision in non-strabismic/non-amblyopic individuals. Preliminary estimates have been made of the temporal and spatial characteristics of ICS. ICS has been implicated in reading problems.
The Damage of Masking Children Could be Irreparable
Public smiling in photographs probably started in the 1920s. Photography just took too long for people to hold a smile in the early years of photography. So, they sat still instead of sitting happy. Then photos got faster and people started to smile for those photos.
The Neurology of Amblyopia: A Further Evaluation of Data from the Eyetronix Flicker Glass Clinical Study
Gold standard penalization therapies for amblyopia are thankfully being challenged by new techniques and new technologies. One such technology, rapid alternate occlusion or alternating flicker was recently studied and improved visual acuity and stereopsis in anisometropic amblyopes.
The On-Switch for Seeing
The conventional wisdom on suppression as a cortical competitive inhibition is difficult to reconcile with the clinical picture of intermittent central suppression (ICS). Equally difficult is to reconcile the suggested link of ICS to reading problems (symptoms of dyslexia) with the hard science on the visual pathways in dyslexia.
The Pharmaceutical Treatment of ADD, Weight Gain, and Zombies
In June of 2010, Joint Conference on Theoretical and Clinical Optometry, a discussion- oriented educational meeting sponsored by OEPF and hosted by Pacific University, addressed ADD/ADHD.
Visibility, Suppression, and Implications for Downstream Visual Development
Non-strabismic intermittent central suppression is a loss of visibility at the level of the lateral geniculate nucleus. When put into a developmental context, this implies that all amblyopia has a deprivation component.
Visual Aspects of Biking
The biker invades the modern traffic scene on a quiet machine of little, if any, use in protecting the biker from injury in collision. Usually his head is down, and concentration may be on keeping his legs moving those last few miles. His visual needs are few in number, but hard to provide for thoroughly.
Who’s on First? Is It Fixation That Drives Sensation? Or Is It Sensation That Controls Fixation?
Fixation is the pause in saccadic eye movements that allows visual information to be sent to the cortex. Small fixational eye movements support stability of sensation during fixation, but yet to be established is whether stable sensation is required for properly controlled fixational eye movements.